How Covid-19 Affects Your Heart?

The purpose of this blog is to explain how Covid affects your heart and circulatory system. It also explains what you can do if you experience symptoms such as a fast heart rate or palpitations. …

The purpose of this blog is to explain how Covid affects your heart and circulatory system. It also explains what you can do if you experience symptoms such as a fast heart rate or palpitations.

We now know that coronavirus can, in extreme situations, impact other organs and systems in your body, despite the fact that it was once believed to be a respiratory disease. The infection (and how your body reacts to it) can harm your heart, lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and other bodily systems.

Even though we now have a better understanding than ever before of how Covid impacts the body, there is still plenty for us to learn and research is ongoing.

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How coronavirus affect your heart and circulatory system?

There are many ways in which Covid-19 can affect your heart and circulatory system, including a faster heart rate and palpitations, blood clots, and heart damage due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

The virus’s damage to endothelium cells is thought to be responsible for many of the symptoms that people can suffer (the cells which line all the blood vessels in our body). Damage to your blood vessels has the potential to result in abnormal blood clotting, “leaky” blood vessels, and reduced blood flow throughout the body, all of which can cause a variety of symptoms. Since all parts of the body depend on a healthy blood supply to function properly, these conditions can be caused by damage to your blood vessels.

This could be a contributing factor to the increased risk of problems from Covid-19 among persons with established cardiac and circulation issues, as they may already have or be at risk of endothelial damage (the inner lining of the blood vessels). In contrast, the virus can also harm the heart and circulation system in people who do not already have cardiac disease. In this field, research is still being conducted, and we are still learning new things.

Heart palpitations or a fast heartbeat after Covid

As your heart works harder to pump more blood throughout your body to fight the infection, Covid-19 can cause your heart rate to increase quickly or irregularly in reaction to fever or inflammation.

Other typical causes of changes in heart rate include dehydration, anxiety, medication side effects, and other complications. Although palpitations often aren’t a problem, it’s important to maintain a strong immunity system.

Blood clots

Those who contract Covid-19-related severe sickness are more likely to experience blood clots. This is considered to be caused by blood vessel destruction, either from the virus itself or through the body’s immunological reaction to the infection. Blood clots can result in major issues including deep vein thrombosis, clots in the blood veins in the lung (pulmonary embolism), heart attack, or stroke depending on where they are in your body.

Heart damage brought on by a lack of nutrition and oxygen

Fever and inflammation brought on by Covid-19 might put your heart under additional strain while your body battles the infection. Your heart rate may also quicken or become erratic as a result of this.

The amount of oxygen that reaches the heart may be decreased if the Covid infection is severe enough to harm the lungs. Viruses and their immune responses can also damage the cells that line the blood vessels, causing clots in the blood vessels supplying the lungs and limiting oxygen and nutrients to the heart.

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