Spirulina is a green and blue organism that flourishes in fresh and saline water. It belongs to the cyanobacteria class of single-celled microorganisms.
That’s why you may also know it by the name of blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria can harness the energy of sunlight through a process known as photosynthesis, much like plants can. So, you will receive the sun’s direct benefits from the Spirulina without being exposed to the UV raises.
It gained popularity after NASA suggested that astronauts could produce it in space. You can typically take in quantities of 1-3 grams per day. However, up to 10 grams have been used successfully.
What Are the Properties Of The Spirulina?
Pollution and stress can cause oxidative damage to the DNA and cells. This damage may cause persistent inflammation, which aids in developing cancer and other illnesses. Spirulina has antibodies that can repair oxidative damage.
It primarily contains phycocyanin which gives it its green and blue hue color. Phycocyanin has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can fetch out the free radicals from the body and prevent the inflammatory signaling molecules.
These microscopic algae are a nutrient-rich diet, and dried blue spirulina powder has the following nutritional value:
- Calories: 20
- Carbohydrates: 2 grams
- Fiber: 0 grams
- Sugar: 0 grams
- Protein: 4 grams
- Fat: 1 gram
You can also find Spirulina a good source of:
- Thiamine ( vitamin B1)
- Riboflavin ( vitamin B2)
- Niacin ( vitamin B3)
- Copper
- Iron
What Advantages Are Associated With Spirulina?
This mineral in Spirulina helps normal daily processes like heartbeat and muscle use. However, most individuals don’t consume enough of it in their diets. And you may find it surprising, but it is also responsible for manufacturing protein and generating energy.
The antioxidants present in Spirulina has linked to a number of advantages that are as follows :
Cancer-Preventive Qualities
As you already know, Spirulina contains many antioxidants having anti-inflammatory effects on the body. And because cancer and other illnesses mainly trigger due to chronic inflammation, the algae can help.
In addition to reducing inflammation in the body, phycocyanin can help to prevent tumor growth and eradicate cancer cells. Due to its benefits, Spirulina, researchers have considered it the most valuable medicine. However, its possible benefits are still being discovered.
Heart Health
Spirulina’s protein can lower cholesterol levels by reducing the body’s absorption of cholesterol. It can keep your arteries free, so you can lessen the stress on your heart and prevent blood clots from causing heart disease and stroke. Additionally, its protein lowers triglyceride levels which are the blood lipids leading to artery hardening and raises your chance of developing diabetes, pancreatitis, and heart disease.
Spirulina can also increase nitric oxide synthesis in your body, which aids in blood vessel relaxation. According to some studies, doing so can lower blood pressure, minimizing your risk of developing heart disease.
Allergic Remedy
People with allergies to dust, pollen, and animal hair may benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of Spirulina. Consuming it daily in your diet can decrease congestion, sneezing, and itching symptoms. Medical experts also believe it can become the next adequate substitute for allergy medicines.
Immune System Assistance
Spirulina has shown the combat ability against HIV, the flu, and herpes in laboratory experiments. However, researchers need more studies to examine these effects in actual people.
In the abundance of Spirulina, you can find vitamins and minerals like E, C, and B6. These minerals and vitamins support a robust immune system. These increase the body’s ability to produce white blood cells and antibodies that help your body fight off infections and viruses.
Are There Any Disadvantages You Should Know About?
Before using Spirulina or any other supplement, you should consult your doctor because of its high nutrient activity. Some individuals may find themselves at risk for health issues. These health issues are:-
Increase In Body Toxins
Wild-harvested Spirulina has Heavy metals and microorganisms present in it. These toxins may stress or harm your liver if you consume them in large quantities.
Obstetrical Concerns
Pregnant and nursing women should not take the blue-green as this might not be safe. It has high toxins risk, which can cause fatal issues in both states.
Bleeding Conditions
Spirulina may raise the risk of bruising and bleeding in patients with some bleeding issues since it can aid in reducing blood congestion.
People with diabetes should check their blood sugar levels before consuming Spirulina. As it may impact blood sugar levels in a negative way.
Auto-Immune Conditions
The immune system may become strong with the help of Spirulina. However, patients with auto-immune illnesses like lupus or arthritis may experience worsening symptoms. So, if you have an auto-immune disease, discuss adding Spirulina to your diet with your doctor first.
Interactions Between Drugs
The health advantages of Spirulina may interact with or negate the effects of some drugs.
B12 Shortage
Spirulina has high quantities of vitamin B12, yet the body does not effectively absorb this vitamin from the plant. It’s important to check if you have a B12 deficiency and follow a plant-based diet.
Wrapping Up!
Until now, we have discussed the properties of Spirulina, Spirulina beneficios, and its disadvantages. So, now you can eventually decide if you want to include it in your diet or not. To determine its suitability for you, you should once consult with your doctor. Despite its disadvantages, the Spirulina has suited most people, especially fitness buffs, as it has nutrients that can add to the complete diet.
It has many benefits because it belongs to cyanobacteria species, also known as blue-green algae. Spirulina has become one of the few superfoods deserving of the moniker. However, the world needs more research to provide all the benefits associated with it.
So that more certain conclusions around this rich diet can be drawn. You can easily find the supplement in shops and online if you want to try them. But, make sure you try it from the plant-based company as you don’t want to dump yourself for a fake Spirulina. LifeNotLabs is your online seller, which provides all of its supplements out of plants through the natural process. Here, you can buy natural Spirulina with the surety of purity.